Wide. Open. Country.

Take any road to run across music you know.
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Ride the Mississippi Country Music Trail

to discover the state’s contributions to country music are boundless—not confined to a region or defined by a single style or technique. If you know the Magnolia State for Delta Blues you will be amazed to meet its multi-talented first cousin. Call it hillbilly, honky tonk, neo-traditional or whatever you choose, country music has deep roots and continues to thrive in Mississippi.

Recent Additions to the Trail
Bobby Wood in New Albany
Jim Weatherly in Pontotoc

See every detail of every marker
plus maps and exclusive content.

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Find all the markers and how to get to each one; listen to music from the artist and watch films that features your favorite Mississippians.

Wide. Open. Country.

Take any road to run across music you know.
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Ride the Mississippi Country Music Trail

to discover the state’s contributions to country music are boundless—not confined to a region or defined by a single style or technique. If you know the Magnolia State for Delta Blues you will be amazed to meet its multi-talented first cousin. Call it hillbilly, honky tonk, neo-traditional or whatever you choose, country music has deep roots and continues to thrive in Mississippi.

View the Markers

See every detail of every marker
plus maps and exclusive content.

Recent Additions to the Trail
Bobby Wood in New Albany
Grammy Awards in Cleveland
Jim Weatherley in Pontotoc
App Store

Find all the markers and how to get to each one; listen to music from the artist and watch films that features your favorite Mississippians.